Pass the inhaler . . . What? Some of you have passed worse.

Yesterday, I found screws in two of my 4Runner tires. Now, Discount makes you drive the vehicle into the garage. The car wash does not drive or clean the interior anymore. You pay five dollars instead of twenty three for soap. I experienced my first Tele-Physical. I got all of my prescriptions renewed. With a wrist device,I took my own blood pressure and pulse. I didn't do the finger thing. I had my wife do it. Just kiddin' My wife went to a root beer float party. Everyone showed up using face time. At Smith's, they sterilize the cart for you. I used to get pizza once a month. Now, they keep trying to put a Dominos light on my car. We used to skip church to get Diet Cokes. Now the Pop place brings it out to you. I am profoundly sad about the couple from W. Jordan. I lived there eleven years. Two weeks ago in Vegas, a gun store reportedly sold almost two thousand pistols in a weekend. Metro reports all violent crime is now down 27%. Write On!
